Sei up hinged door

SEI UP door characteristics: Customisation and refined design. The SEI UP door, designed by Enrico Cesana, features a curved, rounded metal profile running across the full surface. This profile not only adds to the aesthetics of the door, but also invites you to open it. SEI UP is highly customisable, with a choice of different finishes and materials, so you can adapt it perfectly to the interior design and architecture of your space. The SEI UP door offers practical, elegant style, making it a versatile choice for any space.
Discover how to customise your SEI UP door and add a unique, practical touch to your space.
An inviting curved profile
metal profile
Wide range of modular units
in more than 100 materials and finishes
Enrico Cesana
Enrico Cesana was born in 1970. He attended the faculty of architecture of the Milan Polytechnic university, where he graduated in 1997. Between 1998 and 2004, two enjoyable professional experiences led him to focus on industrial and interior design and to investigate various design methods and approaches...
Technical data Sei up
Front finish

Bruno oak surfaced

Brushed oaks lacquered in matt colours

Eukalipto surfaced

Fashion wood

Gurè surfaced

Matt colours

Matt lacquers Skin effect

Metal surfaced

Oak Chiaro surfaced

Oak surface

Oak surface matt colours

Old surfaced

Piasentina surfaced

Quercia surfaced

Skin effect surfaced

Smooth surfaced

Stucco look surfaced

Walnut surfaced

Internal finishes
Bruno oak surfaced

Matt lacquers Skin effect

Oxford Sand Surfaced

Piombo Surfaced

Skin effect surfaced

Walnut surfaced